Sunday, November 15, 2009


As I sat in court Tuesday, waiting to hear my verdict, all I could picture was myself standing before the Lord as he read aloud my sins. One by one...line by line. Sins from so long ago that I had forgotten, and hoped that he'd forgotten too. But no. I am held accountable for everything! This is the judgment we deserve! As much as I felt like it was unfair, it was up to the judge. It is up to God how we are treated. He created us and has full power over us. Every sin I have committed has separated me from Him. He cannot look on me with my sins. In court, I kept thinking something must change...someone must stop his verdict...someone come and take this away. It never happened. But then I realized, it would be crazy for someone to walk in the courtroom right now and say "I'll take her punishment. Even though I have a perfect record, I'll lose my license for 2 months in her place." That would be crazy! But Jesus did it! He stepped in for us, with a perfect record, and took on my punishment. Now I can stand in front of the judge with a clear record, able to look him in the eye unashamed, and not scared of his verdict! Hallelujah!

And now my friends have done it. They've taken on my punishment. They've stepped in for me, willing to drive me everywhere. Willing to put down their schedules, sleep, and time to take me to work, school, shopping, or dinner, whenever I ask. How amazing to have friends that are willing to take on this burden! They have been Jesus to me! They have not done anything wrong! Many of them have never had a speeding ticket. Yet they are suffering for my record. What a great picture of the gospel!

Lord, I would have nothing good to stand on if it were not for you. And this should keep me humble. I have no reason to boast. I am sinful and I am separated from you without Jesus. We are ALL sinners in need of your grace! I should never consider myself better than anyone! Make me thankful for undeserved grace and salvation.

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