Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Snow Pics

Here are a few pics from snow week!

These two were taken Sunday night after only a few hours of snowing!

View of our street on Monday.

A very quiet Peachtree Street!

Josh built us several of these!

And sadly, this is my only picture of Melissa and Josh's snowman. With red skis.

And here are a few videos of Josh using an old door as a sled!

We also drove to the Peachtree Hills duck pond which was beautiful covered in snow!  The pond was frozen in several places.  And Josh gave us a thrill by doing doughnuts in the Publix parking lot.  Classy.  And awesome. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ice Ice Baby

I know I have a lot to catch up on, but lets start with the ice.  After returning from Utah on saturday night, a massive snow storm came through Atlanta on Sunday night.  Great news, right?  Snow day!! Another day to lounge and prolong the inevitable.  It was beautiful.  I think I heard we got 6 inches?  My roommates and I stared out the window, went on walks, took pictures, and then enjoyed the pallette stress-free.   Once it got dark and we realized none of it had melted, we checked our emails to see if work and school were cancelled again. Yessssiiireeee. 

Tuesday the stir-craziness began to set in.  I got antsy and couldn't concentrate on anything related to school.  Luckily Treehouse was open because I wasn't getting my car out without 4 wheel drive.  Tuesday the snow began to melt a little but there was also freezing rain, and overnight everything turned into a solid block of ice.  Here's some pics of the streets in my neighorhood. That stuff is SLICK!

Wednesday brought yet another day off of school and work.  I know, I know, you are thinking how jealous you are if you don't live in Atlanta.  But honestly, by Wednesday, I was losing my mind.  Normally days off are awesome, but at least on a typical day off you can get out of the house and have normal human interactions.  I felt trapped.  So to prevent the impending mental breakdown, I decided to try to drive to work.  After sliding down a side road, I thought I had made a mistake, but the interstates had a few lanes cleared and were fine.  At this point I hadn't been to work in 2 weeks, and had only worked 3 days in over 3 weeks.  I needed a purpose.  Structure.  People.  Anything.  I know it sounds crazy, and I was kicking myself as I sat in the cubicle all day today, but at the time, I had to get out.

Thursday and Friday school was cancelled, but work issued the "come if you can" statement.  I went in for half days and enjoyed the simple freedom of driving around!

I'll post snow pictures and videos next, with exciting stories of sledding, snowmen, and doughnuts in the Publix parking lot!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Greetings from chilly Utah!

Where I'm typing, it's currently -1°!! And feels like -17°, according to the weather channel. GEWWW! The fam is out in Park City for our annual ski trip, but hopefully I'll have time to blog. I have lots to catch up on...including Christmas recap, thoughts on New Years, and a new addition to the family!

I haven't been quite as reflective lately, which is not a good sign for me. This is usually when my blog posts get sparse. I have been kind of in a daze, just rolling with the punches. Not really actively pursuing God. Staying a little on edge. But maybe I'll have some good reflective time this week, away from the normal routine.

This will be my view in the morning!