Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Scoot

Now that facebook pictures have started to raise questions about my heinous looking leg injury, I figure its time to come clean. I bought a scooter. A small, cute, Vespa-looking scooter. Not for any hippie, Earth-friendly reason, and not even to save money on gas. Just because its a scooter!  My friend Kenny was trying to get rid of it, and when else will I have a chance to own a moped for next to nothing?  I've always wanted a Jeep wranger, so I thought this might be a way to quench a poor man's desire for the open air.

On Thursday, the scooter's first day under new ownership, Carlyn came over to check her out. We cruised all around the neighborhood, feeling pretty adventurous and a little self-conscious, but loving the new toy.  On the way back to the house, I asked Carlyn if she wanted to drive the home stretch. She'd been a little shaky at driving earlier and had given up after it stalled out in front of a yard filled with people. But I guess she'd gotten her confidence back, because she jumped up front and gave that little scooter some gas going into a turn, and we broadsided a parked car!

The car sustained some minor injuries, scoot got some cracks, and then there's us.  Carlyn's foot scraped the ground and she lost a few toenails and some pride, and has bruises all over her legs! I think she took the brunt of the impact.  I got a big cut and bruise on my leg that apparently looks like I've had knee surgery. It definitely could have been much, much worse, so we're pretty thankful!

And the scooter is still running like a champ! Not too many people are asking for rides after they see my leg, but I convince them its user-error. I'm still loving the scoot and am riding every night, but with closed-toed shoes! The scooter needs a license plate with its name on it...any suggestions?