Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Not sure what energy drink I was sippin on when I thought I could do a post per day. Especially during Christmas? But nevertheless, I will make it up to you, bloggies. For now, I will blame frozen fingers. Check out my car temperature from yesterday morning. In Georgia. Good gosh.

And it snowed on Sunday and Monday! Didn't really stick, but still so fun! I'm just hoping the cold stays around until Christmas so I can sport my new sweaters on Christmas morning instead of a t-shirt. And no, that is not snow on my dashboard. Just a little dusting from the elves. Car wash needed. Stocking stuffer hint, Santa.

So maybe you're wondering what I'm doing with all of this free time now that school is out...since I'm clearly not blogging. This weekend I went to Athens for my cousin Joseph's wedding. LOVE THAT TOWN. I got so pumped when I pulled onto Broad Street. All the downtown trees were lit. Great memories! And the wedding was spectacular!

Sunday night was a lessons and carols service at church, which I will be sharing more about soon, because the songs and scriptures were so great. Monday night we had a Christmas party at Bible study. Pictures to come. And other than that, Christmas shopping like mad woman! Not so much relaxing but that is next on my to-do list!

1 comment:

Fran Pierce said...

Hey...just preparing you for Utah weather! I love the cold weather at Christmas...don't have to turn on the AC to build a fire!! See you in a couple of days. You can relax at home!!