Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Counseling Article

I recently found this article on counseling.  Obviously, counseling is something I'm passionate about, but I think it has something to offer everyone. Please, take the time to click over and read this article!  It is so honest and well-written and I'm really excited that counseling is getting some press, especially amongst Christians.

The article talks about the negative stigma associated with counseling, and this could not be more true. Why is it that people are scared to tell others that they're "seeking help"?  Most people just want to appear that they have it all together.  Who doesn't?  And in Christian circles, we are reluctant to tell our story until it has been "resolved." We want to share in our small groups about the time we overcame, or how God brought us through a situation, or what we learned from a tough time.  But while we're smack-dab in the middle of the issue, we are silent. I'm talking about things like marriage problems, depression, anxiety, addiction, or eating disorders, to name a few. I've noticed a trend:  the more the problem can be justified or "blamed" on an outside source, the more we're ok sharing about it. But if there's nothing we can blame for the issue, people may assume it's our fault or there is just something wrong with us.

But let me tell you, the second you admit that you don't have it all together, people feel released from the burden of appearing perfect. This has happened time and again for me.  When I tell people that I am seeing a counselor or even simply telling them about my grad school program, they instantly tell me their own (or their family's) stories and experiences with therapy.  It is neat to see how open people can be when you are open with them. Let's reach out to each other, help each other, and build each other up. At the end of the day, we're all screwed up.  We all have issues, we're all sinful, and we all need God's help desperately.

Counseling is not shameful. I think it shows great strength. 


Fran Pierce said...

SO true! Took me many decades to know this! We Christians don't do a good job of showing grace to each other, so we "hide" our struggles....Sad!!

Tricia said...

I kinda wish you could just write in my journal for me! Maybe you should become a writer too...

Linda said...

Absolutely! I agree wholeheartedly, although I always agree with MB! I have always believed that secrets have power - power over us - our thinking and our actions. The minute that secret is released, the power it has over us releases as well. Why is it that we believe WE actually own the power if we keep a secret to ourselves? We think we're controlling it, while in reality, it controls us. And Bible study small groups and accountability groups are a great venue to practice being vulnerable and transparent.

Carlyn said...

Love this entry!