Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pillow Talk

I realize that unless my male readers have a female in their life, they probably have no idea what this title is referring to. Let me enlighten you. When a female's head hits the pillow, thoughts come flooding to her brain. It would be detrimental to her mental health to try to contain them.  These thoughts include an assessment of the days activities, replaying of the days conversations, and probably some thoughts about the future.  Usually a little more personal than table talk, more about struggles, insecurities, or just about a crush or cute boy you spotted.  Living with roommates for the past 8 years, I've had my share of pillow talk.  In my current house,  it could be called "pallette talk."  If you have yet to be forced to engage in pillow talk by a female, your time is coming.

Last night, I got all snuggly in my bed, flipped on the sound machine, and let out my nightly exhale/sigh.  Immediately my mind started going over the day. And I had this picture:  Jesus laying across from me, engaging with me in pillow talk! Strange, maybe, but awesome.  So I laid there and recounted the days activities, conversations, and talked some about the future. I think I was actually speaking out loud.  And I pictured Jesus laying there, holding some of my squishy pillows, just listening. 

This was definitely one of the most personal images of God I've had in a while.  Some people would argue that our view of God is too casual.  That we don't have enough respect or awe for a powerful, perfect, and holy God.  That we want Him to be our "buddy."  But I disagree.  Sometimes God seems too high and mighty to be involved in my day-to-day life.  Too distant, too busy, or too judgmental.  Like He is our boss that we don't want to bother unless we have a really important question.  But isn't this one of the amazing characteristics of God?  That He can be all powerful, all knowing, and perfectly holy, and still wants to be involved in every detail of my life.  That He can create the universe, hold it together, and still engage in pillow talk.

1 comment:

Adair said...

Profound. That is seriously so wonderful.

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thanks for the inspiration!