Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Biscuit is Back

This weekend I helped my friend Carlyn move into our house! I lived with Carlyn in an apartment for 2 years right after college, and now she's back. Cue the song "Reunited."

Moving, in my opinion, is the definition of a labor of love. And this round was quite the adventure. I didn't take any pictures, and boy am I kicking myself, because there were some priceless images.  It was a 3-man crew consisting of myself, Carlyn, and our friend Matt.  We are available for hire.  We successfully maneuvered a couch through the narrowest of doorways/hallways, a set of box springs through a tiny stairwell, and carried a 200 lb. mattress on our heads.  And managed to only lose 1 glass table in the process. All in record time.

And I am pretty excited about the return of the biscuit.  The biscuit is the name Carlyn gave her bed back in college  a long, long time ago "because my dad's friend in college called his bed the biscuit" and it's fluffy, inviting, and warm and cozy. The mattress is made out of some heavenly smushy material that resembles memory foam, and add to that an electric blanket...just might beat out the palette.

On that blasphemous note, I will leave you with a picture of Sadie enjoying the comforts of the palette:

1 comment:

Carlyn said...

Haha! Lovely. But get the history of the biscuit right before you blog about it-I grew up calling it that because my dad's friend in college called his bed the biscuit. Not a good decision on my part to read the blog at work after lunch...the pic of the palette and talk of the biscuit is torturous...oh to be Sadie right now.